vWater Technologies, LLC (vWater) is a clean water and environmental technology enterprise specializing in high-speed solids-liquid separation, commonly referred to as dewatering. Dewatering is the critical, costly and MANDATORY FIRST STEP in the process of cleaning water. vWater invented and patented a suite of revolutionary and innovative water related technologies providing clean effluent water and high solids content dehydrated filter cake. vWater’s Dynamic Equilibrium Dewatering System (DEDS) provides cost effective, efficient, environmentally sensitive and eco-friendly solutions for the many challenges faced by water-intensive industries.

Water pollution impacts global warming and the environment. The stress on our water environment and scarcity of clean water due to population growth is becoming increasingly difficult every day. Polluted water (darker color and toxins) is much warmer than clean water thus impacting global temperatures and the environment. Water pollution harms/destroys aquatic organisms, plants, humans, and has detrimental effects on climate as well as the ecosystem. Effective drinking water and wastewater treatment must be paramount to preserving the water environment. vWater’s technologies are all focused on more efficient wastewater treatment and clean water savings employing eco-friendly processes.


The DEDS cleans and saves water by instantly dewatering (separately or removing) suspended solids from contaminated and non-contaminated slurries. The resulting sludged solids are then immediately pressed into an ultra-low moisture content filter cake within seconds. The DEDS is designed to operate as a high-speed water reclamation and recycling system that will save operators and the planet many millions or billions of gallons of water annually along with all the associated costs. Furthermore, the DEDS completely eliminates the need for expensive settling or retention basins, clarifiers, and thickeners along with their associated infrastructure and footprint.

dewatering system


Historically, the principal barriers preventing faster, more efficient and affordable water treatment and dewatering have been:

*The settling or hydraulic retention time (HRT) required to separate suspended solids from water - can require anywhere from many seconds (coarse sand) to many minutes (silt) to hours (biological agents) to months or years (colloidal particles).

*The time, manpower, footprint and energy required to dehydrate the resulting sludge into a cake that is suitable for stockpiling, transportation, reuse and/or disposal - can require many minutes for belt filter presses, centrifuges and rotary fan presses to many hours for plate & frame presses to weeks or months for geo-textile bags.

To eliminate these barriers, the vWater DEDS employs two of its patented components: the vFiltration Clarifier™ and the vFilter Press™.

vFiltration Clarifier™

Slurry that is conditioned, or often non-conditioned, is delivered to the DEDS™ via the vFiltration Clarifier™ which processes slurry with solids contents ranging from less than 0.5% to over 30%. The vFiltration Clarifier™ employs an innovative patented filtration system that instantly releases and then immediately discharges primary free water from slurry resulting in a thickened sludge. Effluent is typically 99.99% free of suspended solids.

The ability of the vFiltration Clarifier™ to instantly release free water via filtration eliminates hydraulic retention time (HRT), also referred to as suspended solids settling time. The elimination of HRT eliminates the need for solids settling retention areas or basins, clarifiers, digesters, thickeners and geo-textile tubes.

The free water effluent is immediately available for discharge or recycling as clean effluent water, which is often potable. The immediate availability of recycled clean water typically results in a greater than 90% reduction of fresh water usage by industries such as mining and fracking.

Filter media in the vFiltration Clarifier™ can easily be exchanged with porosities ranging from less than 1 micron to greater than 250 microns via slide in-slide out filter assemblies, depending on slurry requirements.

vFilter Press™

The vFilter Press™ dehydrates sludge into a high solids content filter cake in seconds. Cake solids content is typically greater 90% for many types of sludges. This is achieved by the employment of the patented vFilter Press™ pressurization system that quickly expresses high pressure on sludge ranging from less than 30 psi to greater than 3,000 psi. Pressures of greater than 10,000 psi are also easily achievable.

Thickened sludge is transferred from the vFiltration ClarifierC™ to the vFilter Press™ via the patented Measured Sludge Transfer component, which provides precise sludge dosing resulting in more efficient and effective sludge dehydration and cake production. The discharged cake is immediately suitable for disposal, stacking, trucking or applicable beneficial reuse.

The filter media of the vWater Filter Press™ can be easily changed to any desired porosity ranging from less than 1 micron to greater than 100 microns via slide in-slide out filter assemblies. The vFilter Press™ can also be employed for clean water processing by inserting micro-filtration (MF), ultra-filtration (UF), nano-filtration (NF) filter media or RO membrane for desalination or brine.

Lab Sample Testing System Videos

vWater Tech Video

The Dynamic Equilibrium Dewatering System™ will meet the demands and challenges of virtually any water related industry

  • Drinking Water Treatment Plants & Sewage & Wastewater Treatment Plants
  • Mining Operations
  • Fracking Operations
  • Oil Sands Operations
  • Waterway Dredging & Remediation (Contaminated & Non-contaminated)
  • Elimination of Tailings & Ash Sludge Retention Basins
  • Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO)
  • Paper & Pulp Operations
  • Desalination
  • Food and Beverage Processing Operations
  • Oil & Toxic Spill Cleanups

Features and Benefits

  • Dynamic Equilibrium operation for processing slurry rates of 100 GPM to >100 MGD
  • Clean effluent is typically 99.99% free of suspended solids & binding noxious substances
  • Cake with solids content that is greater than 80% for many cakes
  • Energy consumption of 0.8 to 1.5 kWh/DTS
  • Fully automated operations requiring minimal operator attention
  • Eliminates HRT (Hydraulic Retention Time) also known as suspended solids settling time
  • Eliminates need for solids retention areas, clarifiers, thickeners or geo-textile tubes
  • Easy and economical “plug and play” Componentized Modular Scaling to >100 MGD
  • 50% to 90% smaller and lighter compact footprint
  • Portable and self-contained 500 GPM systems towable by a light duty vehicle
  • Constructed with high-grade stainless steel or aluminum
  • Low maintenance and repair requirements due to few moving parts
  • Maintenance and repairs can be performed while system remains in operation
  • Back flushing is typically only required after several cycles or at end of operations
  • Back flushing requires no additional or outside water requirements
  • Enclosed operation confines noxious odors and vapors
  • Enclosed operation eliminates need for catastrophic spill containment
  • Minimal operating noise

Products Under Development

vWater continues to innovate by applying for patents, developing and testing enhancements to the Dynamic Equilibrium Dewatering System™. The new technology enhancements will further dehydrate sewage or other cake into solid granules with a solids content of greater than 95%. The resulting granules further reduce or eliminate disposal costs, permitting and other issues. Depending on the initial makeup of the cake substances, the granules may be suitable for use as a clean fuel or energy source, fertilizers or other valuable beneficial reuses.

The enhancements will enable less costly remediation and restoration of contaminated sediments, soil washing and water. Proper slurry conditioning will bind many contaminants (i.e. PCBs & dioxins), heavy metals and other noxious substance to the solids, thus removing them from the effluent and are disposed of with the solid granules.

Pathogens, cryptosporidium, giardia, viruses, and bacteria will be removed from the effluent by a sterilization process and thus will be potable in most instances. The system will also provide an even more energy efficient desalination process.

The system will significantly reduce energy requirements with the attainable goal of producing surplus energy.


vWater Technologies LLC
Paul Vette

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